Create and Structure

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Revision as of 16:31, 15 May 2023 by LWS (talk | contribs)
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link to the Category this page is part of: Category:Dev Could be any category.

Top Heading

Put this page in a Category of Dev where we can save all DEV Notes.. The Category will then appear along the bottom of the page. Link to existing wiki page Main_Page

one level down

If you click the Edit to the top right, each section can be edited directly.. very handy. Here I clicked to edit 'one level down'

another here

Troikatronix Website

going deeper

The Table of contents is auto-created based on these headings. add a hor rule next.

The equal sign is used around each heading level.

The Sidebar can be edited at:

Formatting info found here:

This install is MediaWiki 1.34.0 Most recent is 1.38.4 (requires PHP 7.4.3+) We may want to upgrade, it will likely make installing extensions a little easier.