Quick Start

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Next: Installing Isadora

Quick Start

If you don’t like reading manuals, here is a quick tour illustrating the essential things you need to know to use Isadora.

Regardless, it is essential that you configure your system correctly. At the very least, follow the instructions regarding under the “Preparing Your Computer” and the “Stage Setup” section of this Tutorials chapter below.

Interface Tour


There are four main areas to the Isadora interface:

  • The Toolbox and Toolbox Filter found along the left.
  • The Media Panel found along the right, split with the Information Panel.
  • Spanning the bottom of the window are the Scene List, Audio View, and Status Bar. (The Audio View is shown in the image above but not visible by default).
  • The Scene Editor takes up the central part of the window, with Scene Snapshots shown above and Scene Settings shown below.

Next: Installing Isadora

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